God is Truth

The boy king

2 Kings 22 & 23


Josiah was a boy King. He was eight years old. He wanted to work for God.

One day, he found some writing in God's house.

The writing was God's law. This is what it said:

Love God
Do not make a god
Obey your Mum and Dad
Do not steal or kill
Always tell the truth

Josiah said, "We are God's people. We must obey God's law. We must do what God wants."

The people obeyed God. God was happy with King Josiah.



Words to learn

Josiah was boy
king was eight
years old wanted
work for God
one day found
some writing house
law what said
Love Do not
make obey obeyed
Mum your Dad
steal kill always
tell truth people
must wants happy
with what obey