God is Pure


Luke 19: 1-9


Zacchaeus was very small. Zacchaeus was very rich. He loved money.

Zacchaeus took money that was not his.

One day Jesus came by. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. Zacchaeus could not see Jesus because there were too many people.

"I will climb up that tree," said Zacchaeus. Then I can see Jesus.

Zacchaeus climbed the tree. He
could see Jesus very well up the tree.

Jesus saw Zacchaeus. "Come down," said Jesus. "I want to go to your house for tea."


Words to Learn

was very small
rich love loved
money took that
not his one
day Jesus came
by want wanted
to see could
because there were
too many people
will climb that
tree said then
well come down
your house for
tea sorry now