God is Servant

Jesus obeyed

Luke 2:41-52


When Jesus was a boy he obeyed His Mum and Dad. He was a good helper.

Jesus obeyed God too. God was His Dad too. Jesus wanted to hear God's words. He went to God's house to hear God's words. He wanted to hear what God had to say, so that He could do what God wanted.

Jesus sat on a mat in God's house and listened to God's word.

"Where is Jesus?" asked his Mum and Dad. “We must look for Him."

Where do you think they found Jesus? Yes, in God's house!

Can you be a good helper? Can you obey your Mum and Dad? Can you obey God too?



Words to Learn

when Jesus was
boy he obey
obeyed His Mum
Dad good helper
God too wanted
hear say could
what listened where
must look think
found words went
house can be
your could what