God is Creator

God gives us everything we need

Genesis 1, Philippians 4:19

Do you know how much God loves us? He loves us more than anyone. He wants to give us good things.

He made air and water so that we could live. Only the earth has air to breathe and water to drink.

He made the sun to keep us warm and to give us light. He made plants for our food. Did you know that plants need light to stay alive? If we had no light, we would have no food and we could not live.

God put the sun in the sky, just in the right place. It is not too close to us. It is not too far away. It is just right. It is not too hot for us. It is not too cold for us.

God made animals too. He made them so that we would be happy. He made animals to help us. God thought of
everything! Which animal do you like best? Can you think of some animals that help us?



Words to learn

loves anyone wants
air could live
earth breathe water
drink warm light
plants food alive
right place close
away animals would
happy thought think