God is life

Jesus calls his friends

Matthew 9:9-12

Jesus had lots of work to do. He wanted some friends to help him do the work. Jesus wanted the friends to follow Him. He wanted them to have a new life.

Jesus saw four men fishing. Their names were Peter, Andrew, James and John. Jesus called to the men, "Leave your fishing nets. Come, follow me."

The four men left their nets. Jesus said, "You will have a new life. From now on you will help me to show people the way to God."

Jesus called eight more men to follow Him. They saw Jesus heal people. They saw Jesus forgive sins. They saw Jesus do many miracles. They heard Jesus tell people about God. The friends were called followers.

Jesus wants us to be followers too. He calls us to a new life. He wants us to be His special helpers too.


Words to learn

work wanted some
friends follow followers
life fishing names
called left show
people way eight
more heal forgive
miracles special helpers