God is Peace

Jacob and Esau

Genesis 5

There were two brothers. One was called Jacob. The other was called Esau. Esau was the older brother. The older brother was going to be given a special blessing from his father, Isaac. Rebekah was Isaac’s wife. She wanted Jacob to have the special blessing.

"I know," said Rebekah to Jacob. "We will trick your father. We will make him think that you are Esau. Then he will give you the special blessing."

They tricked Isaac. Isaac could not see very well. Jacob dressed like Esau. Isaac thought that Jacob was Esau. He gave Jacob the special blessing.

Esau was very angry. Jacob had to run away. Jacob stayed away for many years. One day he wanted to go back home. He was afraid of Esau. "Will he still be angry?" he thought. "I will send some gifts to Esau."

Jacob met Esau. Esau was not angry. He ran to Jacob. He gave Jacob a hug. He was happy to see his brother again. The two brothers made peace.


Words to learn

there father away
were wife stayed
brothers wanted many
called know years
other trick home
older think gifts
going could happy
given dressed again
special thought made
blessing angry peace