God is Powerful

Jesus is our king

John 12:12-19

The friends of Jesus were at a house. They wanted to find a donkey. They wanted to find a donkey for Jesus.
Jesus wanted to ride the donkey.

"Come and see Jesus," said the people. "He is riding a donkey. He is going into the town."

The people waved branches. They shouted, "Hosanna! Jesus is king!"

Some people put their coats on the road, just like a carpet for a king to walk on.

The people wanted Jesus to be the king of their land.

They did not know that Jesus would die and come alive again. They did not know that Jesus would be the King of the whole world.

Is Jesus your King?

Words to learn

friends house donkey
wanted ride riding
come going town
knew king waved
branches shouted Hosanna
people coats road
carpet walk their
land die alive
again whole world