God is Pure

The man who could not walk

Matthew 9:1-7

Once there was a man who could not walk. He sat on his mat every day.

The man's friends took him to Jesus. The man wanted to be healed.

Jesus said to the man, "Your sins are forgiven."
At once the man got up. He could walk!

"That's funny," some people said. "Why did Jesus say, "Your sins are forgiven?"

But the man knew why. He needed Jesus to forgive his sins just as much as he needed his legs to be healed. The man was very happy because his sins were forgiven, and he could walk as well!

Jesus can forgive our sins too. He can make us clean on the inside. Then we feel happy!


Words to learn

could every wanted
healed forgiven once
could walk funny
knew needed clean
inside feel happy