God is Creator

 A big mistake

Genesis 3

Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were very happy. God told Adam and Eve that they must obey Him. He told them that they could eat any food from the garden, but they must never eat the fruit from one tree.

There was an angel who was a wicked angel. His name was Satan. When he became wicked, he became like a snake. Satan said to Adam and Eve, "Go on. Eat the fruit. It will not hurt you."

So Eve ate the fruit. She gave some to Adam. At once they knew that they had done something very wrong.

They were sad. God said, "Now that you have done wrong, you cannot be in my beautiful garden. You must go from here. You will not be so happy. This is because you did not obey me.

God sent a good angel to the garden. The angel had a sword. No one could go into the garden from now on. This was a very sad day. The world was now a place of sadness and sin. Adam and Eve were not happy. The animals were not happy.

God was very sad because people could no longer be with Him. God made a plan. He planned to send His Son Jesus, to die on the cross and to forgive us for our sin. If we ask Jesus to forgive us for our sin, and if we ask Him to be our friend, then we can be with God, just like Adam and Eve were once with God in the Garden of Eden.


Words to Learn

angel wicked obey
hurt fruit became
something wrong once
children sadness sword
killed friend world
longer people forgive