God is Life


John 3:1-13

Nicodemus wanted to know more about Jesus. He was afraid of what his friends would think.

"I must go and see Jesus at night," thought Nicodemus. "I want to know more about God."

Nicodemus went to see Jesus at night.

Jesus said, "If you want to live forever, you must be born again."

"How can I be born again?" asked Nicodemus.

Jesus told Nicodemus that he must have a new life.

When we become a follower of Jesus, we have a new life. We obey Jesus and do the things He wants us to do.

Just as we need air, water and food for our body, we need Jesus and His word. The bible is God's word. It has words of life.


Words to Learn

wanted know more
about afraid what
friends would think
night thought live
forever born again
become follower air
body word bible
life obey things