God is Love

Jesus is a friend of children

Mark 10:13-18

The children were happy. Jesus had come to their town. They wanted to see Jesus.
"Hurry, Mum," said the children. "We want to see Jesus. Please take us to see Him."

The Mums took their children to see Jesus. There was a big crowd.

The children wanted to go to the front of the crowd.

"Get back! Get back!" said the friends of Jesus. "There are grown ups here who want to be at the front!"
"No!" said Jesus. "I want the children here. Bring them to me."
The Mums brought the children to Jesus.

Jesus sat the children on His knee.
"I love children," He said. "Children are very special. If grown ups want to be my friends, then they must be like these children."

Children can love Jesus with a special love. Jesus wants you to love Him. He loves you with a special love too.


Words to Learn

children happy come
town wanted hurry
please take crowd
front back friends
grown bring brought
knee special these