God is Powerful

Joshua and the walls of Jericho

Joshua 6

God's people had been in the desert for a long time. There was no food in the desert. There was no water in the desert. God had provided the food and water. But now it was time for a new land. God had promised His people a new land. The new land would not be a desert. The new land would have food and water. But the new land also had enemies. The enemies did not worship the true God.

"How can we get to this new land?" the people asked. "We must pass through the city of Jericho, where there are enemies. The city has big walls all around it."
"God will find a way," said Joshua. "He is very powerful."

God told Joshua what to do. God told Joshua to get trumpets. God told the people to march around and around the walls. The people marched
around for seven days. On day seven, they marched around once. They marched around twice. They marched around seven times.

Then they shouted and made a big noise with their trumpets. The enemies were afraid. Then the walls fell down. God made the walls fall down with His power. The city now belonged to God's people. They could go into the new land that God had promised.

Words to Learn

people desert water
provided promised enemies
worship true pass
through city around
powerful trumpets march
round seven once
twice noise afraid
power belonged could