God is Pure

The father who forgave his son

Luke 15:11-32

There was a man who had two sons. The sons were grown up. One son said, "I want to leave home, Dad. Please give me some money so that I can go to the city to live."

"O.K.," said Dad. So the son went to the city.

He had a good time in the city. He had lots of fun, but he did not always do good things. He spent all his money. He had no money left.

"I will go and get a job," said the son. "I will go and look after some pigs."
So the son went to get a job with pigs. He did not like working with pigs. It was very smelly and dirty.

"Why don't I go home?" said the son to himself. "Will Dad want me home again? I have spent all his money. He may be very cross with me."

The son went home. Was the father cross with the son? Did he tell him to go away? No! The father was full of joy. He wanted his son home again. He gave him a big hug. He gave him a party!

God wants us to forgive people who do wrong things to us, just like the father forgave his son. God wants us to forgive others just as he forgives us.


Words to Learn

grown want leave
home please money
city live good
things spent spending
left working smelly
dirty don't himself
cross joy party
forgive forgave people
wrong others why