God is Servant

The man at the pool

John 5: 1-18

There once was a pool. It bubbled with special water. It was like a spa.

Sick people came to the pool because the water from the pool made them feel better.

There was a man who could not walk. He could not get into the pool. He had to lay on his mat beside the pool. He hoped that someone would help him get into the pool, so that he would feel better. But no one did.

Then Jesus came by. Do you think that Jesus would help the man to get into the pool? Jesus did something better than that. He said to the man, "Do you want to get well again?"
"Yes I do," said the man. "But no one will help me to get into the pool."

Jesus said, "Get up. Pick up your mat and walk."
The man stood up and walked. His legs were better. He could walk!


Words to Learn

pool bubbled spa
feel better hoped
someone would think
something again pick
walk stood could