Free educational resources (digital/online)

for school, kindergarten, home-school and Sunday School

The Beacon Media website is an educational resource bank for teachers and parents of Early ChildhoodPrimary and Secondary levels. 

Our key focus is to bring students to know God through God-centred educational curriculum. God is the starting point for all education, because He holds the keys to wisdom and knowledge.

Resource materials cover not just Biblical studies, but all school subjects.

Beacon Media currently assists schools internationally.

  1. Fiji curriculum – currently being used by schools and homeschoolers in Fiji
  2. Support programs in Literacy and Numeracy – One-on-one programs
  3. Home-schooling for Australia – Free to use as supplementary, or as your total curriculum

Teacher Training Courses:

Early Childhood

Classroom Teachers

Literacy Support

Donations to support Beacon Media projects are much appreciated.