Beacon Media is an Australian-based organization which began with a few teaching colleagues with a calling to share a vision for a God-centred curriculum based on the character and nature of God. Our mentor was Margaret McIntyre, who went to be with the Lord in 2010.

The Beacon Media approach to developing a “God-centred curriculum”, is where each thematic unit of study starts God Himself. We look at the world around us and ask God for His perspective on that topic. For example, for the study of plants, we start with “God is Provider”. As students come to know God, His character, His nature through their studies, they come to know Him.

Beacon Media plays a key role in thematic curriculum development, and has assisted many schools in creating their own God-centred curriculum. Christian schools in Fiji and Ghana are currently implementing a God-centred curriculum designed by Beacon Media. We are keen to assist any school that wants to embark on this curriculum model.

Beacon Media has also developed a Literacy and Numeracy program for students who are falling behind in reading and basic mathematics. These programs are currently being implemented in Fiji and Papua New Guinea.

About Beacon Media resources

Statement of Faith

Beacon Media Founders 2006 – (left to right) Cheryl Reid, Tim Rogers,
Paul Reid, Margaret McIntyre
Current Beacon Media Directors

Top: Cheryl and Paul Reid (Australia)
Buttom left: Losalini Tuwere (New Zealand)
Bottom right: Patrick Bower (Fiji)

God-centered curriculum in the 70’s

The Beacon Media model for developing God-centred curriculum is founded on the work of Margaret McIntyre, who developed a thematic Christian curriculum for the Primary school, in the 1970s and 80s.

Prophetic insight, 1973

In 1973, a pastor of a church in Alaska, was seeking God for understanding regarding the curriculum for the Christian school that was being set up in his church. God began to give him prophetic revelation, so he wrote it down as God gave it to him. Later he shared it with his staff. Two of these teachers shared it with other teachers when they attended a course for Christian educators, hosted by Youth With A Mission in Hawaii, 1978. The course was ‘Crossroads Discipleship Training School’.

The following prophetic word was shared:

“I, the Lord God, am calling my people out from the world, calling my people to separate themselves and sanctify themselves that they might do the work of the ministry…In regard to education, I would have my people to put away old forms; I would have them seek Me concerning not what is good, but that which is perfect in my sight, and that which proclaims My Son, Jesus Christ as Lord. I would have as the basis, at the foundation of any educational endeavour, that rock, the Lord Jesus Christ.” 

“Therefore, let my people know that it is no longer acceptable in the Lord’s sight to bring My truth into the curriculum, but the Lord is now calling for My truth to BE the curriculum.”

“Just as every name of Christ reveals a portion of truth: Comforter, Saviour, Healer….so I would have Science reveal Jesus as Creator and sustainer of Life; History, a revelation of God working through men to achieve His divine purpose…Each subject should reveal the Holy Spirit as teacher…”

“Those with this vision must end their perception that academic disciplines are secular and Bible disciplines are spiritual. Both, when functioning properly involve the whole person, body, soul and spirit.”

“The school, through its administration and teacher, and through its curriculum, is to be a haven for My children. The presence of the Lord should be so strong as to be a shield. The healing and comforting presence of the Lord should work through the anointing of the materials. Many blocks to spiritual growth, to academic growth, to physical growth, to social growth, will quickly dissolve. My word goes forth to heal and preserve. “

“The Lord is therefore requiring the Christian school in these days to be a center of Christian ministry, and a nurturing place for children. This can only be done when teachers are Holy Spirit-led, dependent on God’s direction in everything they teach. The curriculum must be living and exciting, not static or steeped in humanistic methods emerging from universities and colleges.”

At the conclusion of the Crossroads discipleship training school, four teachers met to pray about the form the Christian School curriculum should take.One of these teachers was Margaret McIntyre. Previously God had shown 27 pegs reflected in a mirror. Through prayer, this group gained understanding that there were to be 27 attributes of God used in developing the curriculum and the reflection in the mirror indicated that there were would be a response in and from the teachers and children to each character quality of God.

Margaret McIntyre – Australia

In the 70’s. Margaret pioneer ed Christian primary school curriculum thematically based on the character and nature of God.

Margaret, an Australian primary school teacher, was one of the teachers who attended the Crossroads discipleship training school in Hawaii, 1978. She returned to Australia and developed a curriculum based on the 27 character qualities of God that had been given to the group in Hawaii.

Margaret McIntyre’s work is based on 27 attributes of God:

GOD IS: Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. (Only God can express these attributes)

GOD IS: Creator, Shepherd, Protector, Preserver, Provider, Father, Healer, Light, Servant God has these attributes in full measure. God can also express these qualities through the lives of people who allow God to work fully in their lives)

GOD IS: Love, Joy, Peace, Good/righteous/Holy, Self Control, Grace, Justice, Patience, Mercy, Forgiveness, Resourcefulness, Kindness, Humility, Truth, Wisdom (These are fruits of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God’s children. As we come to know Him and allow His character to be expressed in our daily life experiences we grow these qualities to greater maturity).

Tributes to our Founders:

Margaret McIntyre  18th June 1929 – 27th August 2010

A tribute to Margaret McIntyre

Tim Rogers 16th May 1956 – 25th August 2013

A tribute to Tim Rogers

Tim has written many of the Beacon Media secondary resources, including devotions for teachers.Tim also helped to pioneer a God-centred curriculum based on the character and nature of God, as principal of a Christian school in Queensland, Australia.