What is our response to understanding the attributes of God? How does this understanding change our lives?

Teaching children about God is more than teaching Bible stories. Children need to get to know God in a personal way, through an understanding of His character. They need to see evidence that God works supernaturally today.

An understanding of God’s character leads to a demonstration of His character in our lives. 

How does a program founded on God’s character and nature change our lives?

As we come to understand each attribute of God, a personal response is required of us. 

God is Creator (powerful, provider, designer, ordered)

Standing in awe of the creator; praising Him for His great works; understanding that God created the world in 6 days and not millions of years.

God is Love (kind, shepherd, faithful, friend, patient, father)

Loving God as He first loved us; feeling loved and accepted by God and others; loving others; reaching out to a world desperately in need of love.

God is Wise/Wisdom (just, guide, sustainer, truth)

Acknowledging that God knows more than we do; allowing Him to be in charge of our life.

God is Protector (refuge, deliverer, defender, powerful)

Trusting in God as Father; feeling safe and secure in His care.

God is Powerful (healer, king, lord, protector, creator)

Expecting to witness His supernatural power in our lives; allowing the Holy Spirit to work powerfully through us; relying on God’s power and not our own strength.

God is Truth (the way, teacher, faithful, wisdom)

Believing God’s word and obeying God’s word; discerning truth in the world about us.

God is Pure (holy, light, righteous, good, judge)

Understanding that we are fallen; asking God to forgive us; living in right relationship with God and others.

God is Patient (kind, forgiving, father, love, servant)

Being patient with others; having self-control; waiting for God to answer prayer.

God is a Servant (faithful, humble, healer)

Serving God and others with humility.

God is Life (redeemer, saviour, joy, creator)

Receiving God’s gift of eternal life; accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour; knowing the joy that Jesus gives.

God is Provider (resourceful, faithful, father)

Trusting God as father; thanking God for His provision.

God is Peace (forgiving, protector, reconciler)

Experiencing inner peace; feeling safe and secure in God’s care; being a peace-maker.