Foundation Biblical Studies Program

Biblical Studies student workbook

Thematic yearly planning table All subjects PDF (Please adapt this to suit your child’s progress needs using the Word Document)

Thematic yearly planning table All Subjects Word Document

Thematic Units for Science, History, Geography, Health, Art:


The things we need

Where I live

Light and Colour

Land animals and mini-beasts

Rules for safety

Community Servants

How animals hide

Life in Bible times



Maths cards Levels 1,2,3 Work through one card each week, supplementing with hands-on practical activities.

Foundation Level Counting Activities

Applied Mathematics (measuring, weighing, time, money, calendar)


Literature – Read a story book to your child every day.

Phonics A – Z

Bible Phonics – Each sound has a story attached as a memory aid. The story is to be read to the student, not by the student.

Note that we start with teaching the sounds not the letter names. Listen to the following audio and learn how to say the sounds.

Sound Pictures – cut out and make cards for matching activities

Letter Formation per State

Victoria, Western Australia & Northern Territory

New South Wales


South Australia


Writing Patterns These provide an excellent tool to encourage correct movements for letter formation, e.g. top to bottom for tall letters, circular formation for round letters. They also encourage writing from left to right.

Expressive Writing

The most important thing for a Foundation year student to learn is how to verbally construct a sentence. Start by asking the student to tell you about the picture they have drawn. Then you write a sentence under their picture, using their own words. This can also double as a reading activity. By the second half of the year, students can ‘have a go’ at writing their own sentences.

Writing Samples

Phonics – 3-letter words (later in the year)

3-letter word list

Word Wheels

Other activities – Phonics Flipper and Circle of Sounds

Sight Words

Sight Words are words that the student recognizes without having to sound out the word. They are the most commonly used words in the English language.

Make flash cards and teach a few new words per week, in context. Gradually build your child’s sight vocabulary, always revising the words previously taught. Teaching “in context” means putting the word in a sentence as shown in the “Sentence Starters” in the following document. Make hand-made books of repetitive sentences where the child provides the illustration, e.g. I like to… run; I like to… skip; I like to … jump etc. In this case the 3 sight words the child is learning are “I’ ; “like”; “to”. Another good way to teach Sight Words is in the form of a game, also shown in the following document.

Sight Word Games & Sentence Starters

Dolch Sight Word List

Leveled Reading

Foundation Year students should aim to reach Level 6 by the end of the year. Select stories from the Beacon Media Reading library. Always revise stories once you have introduced them. Remember to make your own hand-made books as well.