Comprehension questions for Levels 1-11
Level 1
Teachers can make simple books similar to these, using repetitive phrases. At levels 1 & 2 children use picture cues. They are not expected to be able to sight read every word. For many of the nouns they will guess the meaning from the pictures. To aid the reading of these stories, students can practice the Dolch sight words and the initial sounds.
Level 2
Baby Jesus is born (bw) Baby Jesus is born (colour)
Follow that star (bw) Follow that star (colour)
The lost coin (bw) The lost coin (colour)
The lost sheep (bw) The lost sheep (colour)
The shepherds (bw) The shepherds (colour0
Who does Jesus love? (bw) Who does Jesus love (colour)
Level 3
Let’s have fun (bw) Let’s have fun (colour)
What did God make? (bw) What did God make? (colour)
Everything (small) Everything (large)
Under the Sea (small) Under the sea (large)
Level 4
Jump frog jump (bw) Jump frog jump (colour)
Look at me (bw) Look at me (colour)
Who can help? (bw) Who can help (colour)
Who will help? (bw) Who will help? (colour)
Fox in Socks (small) Fox in socks (large)
Cat with no hat (small) Cat with no hat (large)
Stone Soup (small) Stone Soup (large)
Level 5
God made the light (bw) God made the light (colour)
Hide the baby (bw) Hide the baby (colour)
The shepherd boy (bw) The shepherd boy (colour)
Baby Tiger (small) Baby Tiger (large)
Big and small (small) Big and small (large)
Sun Fun (small) Sun Fun (large)
Top on Top (small) Top on Top (large)
Level 6
A sick man (bw) A sick man (colour)
Cat and Dog (small) Cat and Dog (large)
Fishing (small) Fishing (large)
On the road (small) On the road (large)
Level 7
Lizzie Lizard (bw) Lizzie Lizard (colour)
Meet the dog (small) Meet the dog (large)
Ted in bed (small) Ted in bed (large)
Level 8
Lucky Frog (bw) Lucky Frog (colour)
Only one of me (small) Only one of me (large)
Level 9
Lily and the eggs (bw) Lily and the eggs (colour)
Rizzy Rat (bw) Rizzy Rat (colour)
The silly Troll (small) The silly Troll (large)
Level 10
Mouse story (small) Mouse story (large)
My Friend (small) My Friend (large)
In the hay (small) In the hay (large)
Level 11
Mrs. James and the Hot Cross buns
Big Bad Barry (small) Big Bad Barry (large)
Potato Pete (small) Potato Pete (large)